Government Claim of “No Control” While Poverty Worsens A Reckless Approach

Premier Tim Houston

Office of the Premier
7th Floor, One Government Place
1700 Granville Street
P.O. Box 726
Halifax, NS
B3J 2T3


Dear Premier Houston,

Last week in the provincial legislature the Premier said “Inflation is certainly putting a lot of pressure on families. There’s no question about that. On this side of the House, we know, and we have a fear – we try to control what we can, but some things we can’t control.”

This was echoed by the Minister of Community Services who said “we are absolutely aware of what is happening in Nova Scotia. Again, I will say that it has been very difficult knowing that a lot of this is out of control.”

We recognize that not everything is within the government’s power to change however, it is irresponsible for the government to ignore the many ways in which poverty is a political choice.

The Nova Scotia Action Coalition For Community Well-Being (NSACCW) is a coalition of community members dedicated to working towards a better quality of life for everyone. In October we launched our new campaign, Poverty is a Political Choice, which aims to build momentum towards the eradication of poverty. There are many choices the government could have made during this legislative sitting that would have made a significant difference for the 41,230 children and their families living in poverty across Nova Scotia.

The government is sitting on a $351 million projected surplus and has ample capacity to ensure the most vulnerable can meet their basic needs in these difficult times. Most of these actions can be taken immediately through an Order in Council and are well within the provincial government’s control.

  • Increase Income Assistance rates so that recipients’ total income meets or exceeds a recognized low-income level

  • Raise the minimum wage immediately to $15.00 an hour, with a plan to get to a living wage

  • Extend the Nova Scotia Child Benefit to include more households

  • Extend the Nova Scotia Affordable Living Tax Credit to include more households

These actions would provide meaningful support to the most vulnerable and lessen the strain on our health, justice, and social services.

The Nova Scotia Action Coalition For Community Well-Being is calling on the provincial government to take responsibility and act with the urgency required to eliminate poverty in our communities.


The Nova Scotia Action Coalition for Community Well-Being

Take Action – Sign the open letter by leaving your name in the comment section below.


NSACCW Calls for Urgent Action to Address Rising Poverty


The Importance of Supporting Bill C-223: A National Framework for a Guaranteed Livable Basic Income