Poverty is a Political Choice- Panel Discussion on International Day for the Eradication of Poverty


On October 17th, 2022, the Nova Scotia Action Coalition for Community Well-Being and its partners will be holding an event to mark the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. This event will also mark the launch of our "Poverty is a Political Choice" campaign so we are hoping for a large presence at this event so that we can build meaningful action and momentum to eradicate poverty in Nova Scotia. You can join us in person at the Halifax Central Library in the Paul O’Regan Hall or join us online at 6:30 pm. You can register for the event here Although all provinces [...]

Poverty is a Political Choice- Panel Discussion on International Day for the Eradication of Poverty2022-10-05T14:43:54+00:00

NSACCW AGM and Conversation on Universal Basic Income


Join us on June 17th, 2022 from 12 pm-1:30 pm for our AGM featuring Dr. Elizabeth (Mandy) Kay-Raining Bird. Register Here  The Nova Scotia Action Coalition for Community Well-Being is a coalition of community members dedicated to working strategically and collaboratively towards community wellbeing and a better quality of life for everyone. We exist to connect a community of action-oriented organizations and people committed to social inclusion and building a Nova Scotia where no one lives in poverty. Last year the Coalition completed a number of core activities towards more effective public policy to reduce poverty and related inequities in Nova [...]

NSACCW AGM and Conversation on Universal Basic Income2022-05-19T18:48:27+00:00

Anti-Poverty Protest at Liberal Party Fundraiser


Hosted by Fight for $15 For more information visit  here On July 24th Liberal Party will be holding a swanky fundraising gala on Citadel Hill. Unfortunately, ticket prices for this event are out of reach for us and most other Nova Scotians. A minimum-waged worker would need to pay two days’ wages to attend, and the price would eat up most of an income assistance recipient’s personal allowance for an entire month. So while the McNeil Liberals hob-nob with wealthy elites, we will protest a government that caters to the interests of the wealthy at the expense of the many. It [...]

Anti-Poverty Protest at Liberal Party Fundraiser2019-07-15T13:52:58+00:00

NSACCW Conference and AGM


Join us at our first conference & AGM The Conference and AGM will share and build a clear understanding of the purpose and benefits of the NSACCW. Participants will be invited to work in solidarity to solidify and activate strategic political action plans to advocate for: Income, Social Security Dignified Employment; ensuring that all Nova Scotians have dignified access to a livable income. Housing Security; ensuring that safe, secure, accessible and affordable housing is a realizable human right for all Nova Scotians. Public Education, Health and Social Services; ensuring that all Nova Scotians have access to free public education and to compassionate services that ensure their physical [...]

NSACCW Conference and AGM2019-05-31T02:12:06+00:00
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